Friday, October 16, 2009

Part 4

DAVID: Well?

(Paul yawns again)

JOESEF: I wish you wouldn’t

(Paul looks at him blankly)

DAVID: Why not?

PAUL (Almost at the same time): Why not?

JOESEF: I don’t like him.

DAVID: Now that’s just not nice.

PAUL: Apologize.


PAUL: He as feelings you know.

DAVID: Yeah.

JOESEF: No he doesn’t.

PAUL: Yes he does.




PAUL: Yes.

JOESEF: Do you like him?

PAUL: He’s all right.

DAVID: Oh well thanks for you support.

JOESEF: I wasn’t talking to you.

DAIVD: That’s why I didn’t respond to you I responded to him.

PAUL: And I responded.

JOESEF: You can’t respond to him he didn’t say anything.

PAUL: Yes I did.

JOESEF: He’s not here.

DAVID: Yes he is. He’s sitting right there. Or did you mean you don’t like him? In which case
I’m here but you should apologize to him.


PAUL: You don’t like me?

JOESEF: Not you.

DAVID (said the way PAUL said it): You don’t like me?

JOESEF: (Same as the first): Not you.

DAVID: Oh, Him.

PAUL: Who?



PAUL: Which one?


PAUL (Pointing at JOESEF) : Him?

JOESEF: No not me.

DAVID: Not him. Him!

PAUL: Who’s him?

JOESEF: He’s like Her.

PAUL: There is no her.

DAVID: She was just here.

(JOESEF holds up paper)

PAUL: Oh she! (They nod simultaneously) So her is she?


PAUL: Then who’s him?

JOESEF: He is him.

DAVID: But not me.

PAUL: Oh, He! (They nod simultaneously) You don’t like he?


(PAUL yawns)

DAVID: Don’t.

PAUL: You said she usually comes.

DAVID: She usually does.

JOESEF: But He might.

PAUL: But he might not. (He yawns)

DAVID: He’s got a point.

PAUL: He does?

DAVID: No you do.

PAUL: Oh. (He yawns)

JOESEF: True, but…

(PAUL Yawns)

DAVID: Just let him.

(Pause. PAUL Yawns)


PAUL: Thank you. (He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a razor and cuts his wrists. After a
while he slumps over.)

JOESEF: I hate that one.

(They pause and listen. There is no sound of running feet)

DAVID: Guess you were right.

(The room darkens a little.)

PAUL: Yup.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Part 3

JOESEF: 5…4…3…2…1…

DAVID: 1…2…3…

(Abruptly PAUL bolts upright screaming in pain. DAVID and JOESEF do not react.)

PAUL: Ow! That really hurt! (Pause as he looks around to get his bearings) how long was I out?

(He gets up and crosses back to the typewriter and sits.)

DAVID: 3 more.

(PAUL looks at DAVID confused.)

JOESEF: Seconds.

PAUL: Thank you Joesef.

DAVID: Yeah thank you Joesef.

PAUL: Don’t mock me.

DAVID: I wasn’t mocking you, I was mocking him.

PAUL But you said what I said but in a mocking tone.

DAVID: But it was to emphasize how dumb his input was.

PAUL: His input wasn’t dumb.

JOESEF: Yeah it wasn’t dumb.

DAVID: Yes it was.

PAUL: How was I dumb?

JOESEF (at almost the same time as PAUL): How was it dumb?

DAVID: You didn’t need to specify.

JOESEF: Specify what?

DAVID: The time measurement.

PAUL: Yes he did. How would I have known you didn’t mean minutes, or hours, or days, or
weeks, or years, or decades, or centuries, or millennia?

DAVID: You can’t be out for a millennia that’s not realistic.

PAUL: Yes it is. I was once.

DAVID: No you weren’t you were out three centuries at the most.

JOESEF: Less. Two and a half

DAVID (at almost the same time as JOESEF): Two and a half.

PAUL: And you specified then.

DAVID: Well yeah I did, it was two and a half centuries. How do you think I could tell you that in

PAUL: You had all that time to think about it.

DAVID: You know I can’t think when some one is typing.

(PAUL looks down at the typewriter and notices for the first time that the paper is gone.)

PAUL: Why didn’t you tell me he was here?


PAUL: It was her?


DAVID: Isn’t it usually?

PAUL: Some times it’s him.

DAVID Yeah but mostly it’s her so why would you automatically assume it was him?

PAUL: I don’t know.

DAVID: Are you sexist?


DAVID: Bet you are.

JOESEF: He can’t be sexist.

DAVID: Why not?

JOESEF: If he was sexist she wouldn’t she be here as often.

DAVID: Well he is suicidal.

JOESEF: Good point.

PAUL: Who told you that?

DAVID: He did.

JOESEF: She did.

PAUL: Well he’s lying.

(Silence. PAUL yawns.)

JOESEF: All ready?

PAUL: What?

JOESEF: You haven’t even read it.

(PAUL looks around the stage and finally finds the paper where MARY left it. He picks it up and reads.)

PAUL: Remember.

JEOSEF: That’s it?

DAVID: She typed more than that.

PAUL: That was the first word you have to wait. (Pause.) Remember. Flying fish do not fly in
the air. She was very pretty. Remember. Peanut stands are a store. She went to the club. Remember. Rubber bands have no guitar. She took the drink. Remember. Bowling balls don’t wear jock straps. She drank it. Remember. Glasses pour and see. She got dizzy. Remember. Ring pick it up, marry me. She went to bed. Remember. Bat, base, cave. She is he is she is he is she is he is. Remember time is never over but she ended.

(PAUL rips it up after he finishes reading it, and throws it toward JOESEF who collects it and starts taping it back together. PAUL puts a new paper in the typewriter and stares blankly at it.)

DAVID: I don’t get it.


DAVID: You do not. (JOESEF looks at him very seriously. PAUL yawns.) You do?


Friday, October 2, 2009

Part 2

JOESEF: Tell me!

DAVID: Fine.



DAVID: I’m thinking

JOESEF: You don’t know why you snorted?

DAVID: No I know, I’m trying to remember.

JOESEF: You don’t remember?

DAVID: I remember why, but not really.


DAVID: Just give me a second.

JOESEF: That makes no sense.

PAUL: Yeah!

JOESEF: Shut up!

(DAVID and PAUL just look at him. Pause)

DAVID: It was a curse word.

(PAUL and JOESEF look at him)


DAVID: “Eff.”

JOESEF: “Eff” was a curse word?


JOESEF: You just said it was.

DAVID: Did you just interrupt me?


DAVID: You didn’t?



PAUL: He did.

JOESEF: Did not!

PAUL: Don’t lie.

JOESEF: I’m not.

DAVID: You are.

JOESEF: How would you know?

DAVID: I heard you.

JOESEF: But you believed me.

PAUL: So you admit it?

DAVID: Yeah you admit it?

JOESEF: Fine, I interrupted you, I’m sorry.

DAVID: Thank you.

JOESEF: You’re welcome.

DAVID: It stands for a curse word.

JOESEF: Oh…what?

DAVID: “Eff”

JOESEF: What about it?

DAVID: It stands for a curse word.

JOESEF: Oh, yeah I know that.

DAVID: Then why did you ask?

JOESEF: I didn’t.

DAVID: What was that then?


DAVID: The question.

JOESEF: What question?

DAVID You asked “what.”

JOESEF: Oh that.

DAVID: Yeah that…what was it?

JOESEF: I want to know what it stood for.

DAVIDL What what stood for?

JOESEF: “Eff.”

DAVID: I already told you. It stands for aa curse word.

JOESEF: Yeah, but what?

DAVID: What what?

JOESEF: What curse word?

DAVID: Oh! I don’t know.

JOESEF: You said you did.

DAVID: I did?



PAUL: I think so.

DAVID: But you don’t know?

PAUL: Fine, I know so.

DAVID: Which?

PAUL: Which what?

DAVID: You think so or you know so?

PAUL: I know so.

DAVID: Because a minute ago you said you just thought.

PAUL: I had to decide.

DAVID: What’s to decide? I either did or I didn’t.

PAUL: I had to decide whether I remembered right.

DAVID: Well do you?

PAUL: Do I what?

DAVID: Remember.

PAUL: What?

DAVID: If I said it or not.

PAUL: I said I did.

DAVID: Just making sure.

(Pause. Paul yawns)

JOESEF: Well? (No one responds) What’s it stand for? (They look at him blankly) You know, “Eff.”

(Recognition dawns on DAVID’s face)

DAVID: I told you, I don’t know.

JOESEF: You said you did.

(DAVID looks at PAUL. PAUL nods)

DAVID: I meant I know what it stands for a curse word, but I don’t know which one.

JOESEF: You foret?

DAVID: Yes (pause) No (pause) I think I never knew.

JOESEF: Or knew and forgot.


JOESEF: Ok makes sense.

(PAUL yawns. Long pause, he yawns again. Pause)

PAUL: What time is it?

JOESEF: Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm… (VERY long)

DAVID: 3:00

PAUL: Again?

DAVID: Again.


(With out hesitation PAUL pulls out a gun and shoots himself in the head slumping onto the table the typewriter in on. DAVID and JOESEF don’t react. MARY enters, running.)

MARY: Did I miss it?


MARY: Oh darn. (Stomps foot like a child)

JOESEF: Why are you upset?

MARY: I missed it.

JOESEF: But you always miss it.

(MARY crosses to the typewriter)

MARY: I know, but it always sounds so exciting.

DAVID: It’s not really.

(MARY looks at the body awkwardly)MARY: Could you… (DAVID and JOESEF move over to PAUL and drag him down stage right) Thank you. (Se smiles and sits at the typewriter. DAVID and JOESEF move back to their spots as MARY starts typing. There is silence as MARY types. After a while she pulls the page out of the typewriter sets it next to the typewriter and get up to leave.) Ok bye.

(DAVID and JOESEF wave and then stare at PAUL.)

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Part one of new play

Don't have a title yet. Enjoy and give feed back.

(Spot on PAUL)
Paul: Ever wonder what would happen if it ended? Just nothing. Blank. A void. Most people have, at least I hope so. Being alone in that… Of course they get to experience that. Eventually anyway. You know, in the end. That’s what I’ve been told at least. No one has told me otherwise. Well no one has proven otherwise. They’ve told me sure, but never given me proof. Some say I’m going to Hell for that, some that’s all they say. I thought they were supposed to give you an out if you were condemned. Maybe that’s why I decided not to die…at least I think I did. There was the gun…or was it the razor? Afterward I was asked why I did it. I said I must have been too curios. About he end. It wasn’t that I wanted it…then anyway. Now is different now I- I remember saying I knew it wouldn’t work, I don’t remember to who it was, just that I said it. That’s another thing I hope I’m not alone in: forgetting. It seems to happen a lot what I try to remember. Maybe I could remember if it had worked. With nothing there you would have time to think. All you could do is remember. With infinite nothing to look forward to all you can do is remember the finite past. Bt with no all you can do…

(PAUL sits at the typewriter center stage. He doesn’t type. JOESEF enters looks over PAUL’s shoulder then sits in his spot)

JOESEF: Hey! (Waits) Hey! (Waits) Paul! (PAUL turns and looks at him) You remember Frankie Muniz?
DAVID enters stands aside and listens)

PAUL: Who?

JOESEF: Frankie Muniz

PAUL: Can’t say I do.

JOESEF: Oh come on you don’t remember Frankie Muniz?


(PAUL goes back to the typewriter still not typing)

JOESEF: Seriously? (In an impression very unlike Frankie Muniz) Moooooom! (JOESEF waits) That help? (waits) “My Dog Skip?” “Big Fat Liar?” You know, Frankie!

DAVID: Of all the things he did you choose those to spark his memory?


DAVID: Those have to be some of the worst examples to give some one to guess Frankie Muniz

(He goes and sits in his spot)

JOESEF: What should I have said?

DAVID: How abut something he’s famous for?

JOESEF: Those are things he’s famous for.

DAVID: Ok maybe “My Dog Skip” but not the other one.

JOESEF: What would you have said?

DAVID: I don’t know…(Thinks) His show?

JOESEF: He had a show?

DAVID: Yeah it was what made him famous.

JOESEF: I don’t believe you

DAVID: Well it was.

JOESEF: Then what was it called?

DAVID: (Thinks) I don’t know.

JOESEF: Thought so

DAVID: Just because I can’t remember doesn’t mean he didn’t.

JOESEF: Same thing

PAUL: I’m trying to write.

DAVID: Still?

PAUL: What do you mean still?

DAVID: You know, still.

PAUL: What?

DAVID: You’ve been working on that forever.


DAVID: Who asked you?

JOESEF: Hey, I’m on your side.

PAUL: Yeah.

JOESEF: Shut up.

PAUL: I was helping you.

DAVID: Yeah!

PAUL: Shut your pie hole!

DAVID: Dude, not cool

(Long silence. PAUL looks back at the typewriter)

JOESEF: You should really FIDO that

(They look at him)

PAUL: Fido?

JOESEF: Eff it drive on.

(David snorts)


DAVID: Nothing.

JOESEF: No, What?

DAVID: “Eff it?”

JOESEF: What’s wrong with “Eff it?”

DAVID: Nothing

JOESEF: No, what’s wrong with it?

DAVID: Forget it.

Thats it for now basically its what I wrote backstage during the show so more to come. Comments and critics are appriciated.

June song etc.

Ithink what I'll do is I'll save June Song for times I don't have anything to post and post it in short segments. That is all.